Lucky Thapa
It’s you, yes you. At first you must be happy, you must be sad, you must be working. We came alone, we go alone. Your mind, your thoughts matter. Take care of your body and thinking. This is most important. All other thing is optional.
If you are sad, not happy, then you cannot make other people happy. Like your family, wife, son, daughter, dad, mom, friends.
Your body is your asset. Health is wealth. At first take care of yourself, then take care of others. It’s your responsibility in your family, to love them, take care of them. To get this done, your mind, body should be healthy, happy, working, fight back mindset. Take rest, eat healthy food, do few workouts . . .
Be water my friend. expect less, do little more. Life is short journey, do not worry too much. In life, more than happiness, there is sadness, sorrow, worry. Limit this less.
Thanks my fren.