Top 10 ways to boost tourism sector of Nepal [By Rajiha]

 Tourism sector is a booming area of growing economy in Nepal. Nepal is a beautiful place where there are many places to wonder, world heritage sites to travel, various areas famous for its own unique identity, places famous for their eatery, this all could sum up and result into the economic growth from international field i.e. tourism. Below are the 10 ways, Nepal can boost its tourism sector.

1) Increase in the number of guides.
Many people come to Nepal to know about the country and travel place, but since there are less guides it can result into disappointment.

2) Having clean environment.
Nepal is a beautiful country, but the places around our world heritage sites, or the road have litters around, garbage, which makes difficulty for tourists to travel around, since it doesn’t give pleasant appearance or smell. hence, cleaning the areas, having a proper management of garbage and pollution should be done.

3) Increasing hotels/hostels, homestays that are cheaper and well facilitated with proper
management team.
Increase of a suitable, well managed area for temporary stay will increase the no. of tourist as they will have a proper place to live with comfort instead of uncomfortable. Usually in areas that are rural there are less no. of stays and less managed, hence it should be solved.

4) Proper management in airport and maybe increase in number of airports at other districts.
Airport is the first place where the tourist arrives, and it is the only place from which they leave our country. As we all know, the management of our airport is not as good as the level of international airports in other countries. The baggage system, the waiting area, the arrival and the departures should all be well managed. There is only one international airport throughout the country along with few domestic airports, which makes it hard for tourists to go to rural areas from 4 wheelers, hence the no. of airports should also be planned to increase.

5) Betterment of foods and increase of shops/restaurants that sell traditional foods.
For tourist to be attracted, food can play a very strong role, as many travelers can be food bloggers too. They would want to know more about the foods that are found in this country only rather than the mixture of international food. The traditional foods can outplay the role as they aren’t found everywhere. Hence, appreciating the small markets and the restaurants who sell these kinds of foods should be acknowledged and increased.

6) Proper management of world heritage sites and beautifying other travel places.
World heritage sites are the site that are marked by the UNESCO and are famous worldwide. Many tourists come to Nepal just to see these places and hence they should be properly managed and beautify in order to not disappoint the tourist and make a bad review of the country and sites.

7) Increase in no. of adventurous activities and proper management of existing adventures.
Nepal is a country where there are many adventures, and places that can be introduced as a place for adventure. Few adventures that already exist in Nepal should be advertised more and properly managed such as bungee jumping, paragliding, sky diving, rafting, canoeing etc. New adventurous games should be introduced with proper management. The hiking trails, cycling trails, dirt bike trails etc. Should be managed in more proper way.

8) Proper access of roads and management of damaged roads.
Since Nepal doesn’t have many accesses to airways, the direct route of transport is 4 wheelers or 2 wheelers and hence there should be proper management of the roads. The already accessible road which are in damaged condition should be managed and maintained fast for the proper access.

9) Better advertisement, promotions and well explained advertisement nationally and internationally.
In order for a place to be famous and liked and to increase the curiosity level, proper advertisements should be done. There should be a team of videographers and directors to have a proper shoot of the places and then showing it around social media to make it reach more people nationally and internationally. The beautification of a place should be done in proper way to capture all the places.

10) Proper planning of package system including transportation and guide.
Many tourist prefer package system rather than travelling on a sole basis and for that to increase there should be proper planning of package system which includes good transportation to show them around the country and a guide who will be able to make them travel alongside explaining them.

Featured image via PIXABAY

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