My Voice

“Voice” submission form at bottom.

Your daily life ? Your motivation ? Your career ? Life around you ? Events in your country ? Latest update on recent events, your passion ? your goals ? Anything you want to talk about or want to express your thoughts on ….. write short content (minimum of 50 words) and submit. Write in your own style, by yourself. Do not copy. Will be reviewed and published within 24/48 hours. Per day you can submit 3 voices and gain points.

Create 27 (approved) voices in total and get Npr.27 additional bonus. (Top up)

Create 108 (approved) voices in total and get Npr. 151 additional bonus. (Top up)

Create 301 (approved) voices in total and get Npr. 501 additional bonus. (Top up)

After reaching each milestone, please send email to us.

Note : Bonus amount might change in near future.

All “voices” are available here :

Submit your “voice” via form (below).

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