Brother Anna
Human needs money in daily life. For food, for clothes, for medicine, for travel e.t.c. In today’s world it’s almost impossible to live without money.
You have to work, to earn money. Money is motivation. Imagine waking up empty bank account, empty pocket, having kids and family to feed. . . now without money, how can someone be motivated ? Full of energy ? Or even happy ?
Life is kind of game. You work hard, get some money, do stuffs with that money, you feel satisfied now. Buy new cloth, or new house or new car, you become happy. Money is like a reward. The more you work, or more creatively your work, the more you earn, the more you are on safe side. The more you are happy. Just like while playing video games, you get higher rewards after winning tough games……you feel good, happy. Or in sports, you train hard, you join competition, you win…. feels satisfied right ? What if you lost, lost again, lost again…now imagine no money to eat diet, no money to join good training centre or no money to hire good trainers… feel motivated still ?, for most people it is dead end. For few they push harder, try harder, without money, without diet, without trainer… when they win…..omg that feeling after win achievement! Can you imagine, how happy, how satisfied, how energetic, how motivated they will be ? After all this, if still are not getting any money, then will that win help them live better life ? Money not coming from anywhere else, will they be happy ? Can they feed their family ? Can they buy clothes ? Will they be happy enough ? Very hard. Very very hard. Money is not everything, but money is most important thing. Without it, omg what can i say….imagine.
Money is reward for leveling up in life, work. What if no money was here ? Then we work for ? Food, technology etc will these all operate in regular chain ? There must be something in replace money right ? Just like clothes for food exchange, or some stuff in exchange of other stuff. Old style, but will it be possible in long run. I think no.
Life is a kind of game, and for now, money is the reward system.