Brother Anna

What after death ? Not only human, but also about all living creatures of earth. We born, we die . . . and this is end ? NO, this is not end.

There is upper level after death. If we die accidently, or if someone kills us, if you die from accident or health issue. . .then there is upper level. Our soul or any other possible energy reaches to next level. Only physical body gets destroyed.

The learnings, experience from this earth…….helps to handle situations in next level. Next level might be here in earth, or anywhere else…..not sure about that…..but there is next level.

You might say, then what does animals learn ? LOL. You think only human is capable of observing stuffs here ? LOL. All living creatures, at certain level sees, recognizes and learn stuffs here.

Make sure in this life……do not harm others. do not lie to others to gain something in material or physical or emotion….do not manipulate, do not betray. Be original. Try to become better version not only in case of education, money…..but also in case of thinking, doing good deeds. . .

What others do to you, and you do not like that ? Then never do samething to others.

Purpose of this life here in planet earth is bigger than we think. There is bigger picture.


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