Is life a suffering ?

Is life a suffering ?

Before getting in the main question, let me talk about what is suffering in general. Suffering means pain, unhappiness, sorrow, grief, anxiety, fear, worry, anger, frustration, disappointment, etc. Suffering is something we experience in our lives. We may suffer from physical pain, mental disorders, emotional problems, financial difficulties, relationship issues, etc. Suffering comes in many forms, and it never stops. If have lots of money, suffering do not see that, if have very less money, suffering do not see that. Suffering in any form gets attached to everyone in this planet.

2. Is life a suffering ?

Yes! Life is full of suffering. There is no doubt about it. But if we look at things properly, we will realize that suffering is not bad. In fact, suffering is good. If we don’t suffer, then we won’t know what happiness feels like. And if we don’t know what happiness feels, how can we ever find out what true joy feels like? True joy is a feeling that comes from experiencing the different forms of sufferings in our life. There are more failures before success. You cannot succeed always. After lots of hard work, after lots of failures, you at one point get that much awaited win. And you feel happy for that. Suffering operates at same level, you suffer more and more and after some time, you will experience joy. You will feel better. Again, after sometime, next suffering starts to circle around you. In life, suffering always comes, stays and goes.

When compared with happiness, suffering always wins. When compared with success, suffering always wins. When compared with health, suffering always wins. When compared with life, suffering always wins. 

A new born child cries, he starts his life in this world by crying a lot, and slowly when he grows up, he wants to change that cry with smile, change that cry with lots of happiness. But he cannot deny the fact that, suffering is there for always. People suffers because of lots of reasons. For example : Money, Failures, Expectations, Power, Politics, Trust, Guilty, Health, Fear, Greed, Mistakes and more.

Why do people suffer in Life ?

People suffer because they have been conditioned to believe that suffering is bad. People suffer because they want to avoid suffering. People suffer because they think that suffering is unavoidable. People suffer because they feel guilty. People suffer because they don’t understand the nature of suffering. People suffer because their minds are clouded by ignorance. People suffer because they are afraid of death. People suffer because they hate themselves. People suffer because they love themselves. People suffer because others make them suffer. People suffer because they have been told that suffering is inevitable. People suffer because they haven’t learned to live without suffering. People suffer because of greed. People suffer because they’re addicted to drugs. People suffer because they’ve lost hope. People suffer because they lack faith. People suffer because they expect too much from life. People suffer because they give up easily. People suffer because they never learn anything. People suffer because they always blame someone else. People suffer because they take responsibility for everything that happens to them. People suffer because they refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. People suffer because they can’t forgive themselves. People suffer because of their past mistakes. People suffer because they cannot let go of the past. People suffer because they hold onto the past. People suffer for being human. People suffer because they aren’t perfect. People suffer because they try to change the world. People suffer because they just don’t care. People suffer because they choose to ignore reality. People suffer because they believe that they deserve to suffer. People suffer because of the way they were raised. People suffer because they weren’t taught how to deal with suffering. People suffer because society tells them that suffering is wrong. People suffer because they follow the crowd. People suffer because they get caught up in the moment. People suffer because they spend too much time thinking about the future. People suffer because they focus too much on the present. People suffer because they forget who they really are. People suffer because they lose sight of the truth. People suffer because they become attached to their thoughts. People suffer because they allow their thoughts to control them.

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