How to embed an android app in wordpress website ?

Scenario : I wanted to play android games online in browser. Then that triggered another question in to my mind, can we create a website and embed bunch of android games in that website ? Since I am using wordpress a lot of times for my website projects, so I thought initially that there might be some wordpress plugin which will help me embedding android app into my wordpress based website. 

So, I started searching for possible solution. But nothing found, instead I got one answer in quora that it might be possible if we can run android emulator in that wordpress site. I do not know much about this, but I think it is complex in terms of programming, building it, utilizing resources. 

Then I searched again about android app emulator embed technique in wordpress based site. But I only ended up finding online android app emulator running in particular website. 

Since there were not enough resources to get into further research of available how to do it solution, so I created this blog post. Anyone who comes through this post, and if can share some idea or technique on how to achieve this embed an android app in wordpress site then please comment below. Let us find something new and unique approach to achieve this incredible step in web. 

Hope to see some cool ideas from you. 
Thank You. 

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