15 things to know before visiting Nepal (By : Bishal)

Note : This is member submitted content.

There may be many things that a visitor who is willing to visit Nepal should know. Among them I have written some few things that the visitor should know before visiting the Nepal.

1. Variety of food items :
People in Nepal are very rich in their food items. Especially the Newars, these people belong to a certain caste that probably has 366 festive in 365 days. These people make varieties of food items tasting from sweet to spicy or sour. They are experts in making different traditional and delicious food items. Along with the newars there are other caste people also who have their own food item.

2. Cash payment in most of the places:
Nepal is an under developing country. You will have to make cash payments except in big super markets in city areas. Or the people in Nepal generally pay through cash almost everywhere.

3. Follow the traffic rules strictly :
Follow the rules and regulations strictly and honestly…crossing roads in Nepal is really a dangerous task as there will be no traffic lights everywhere. Will be available slowly in near future.

4. Way of greeting:
The people in Nepal do not greet each other by shaking hands or hugging. It’s their traditional culture since ages that they join their two hands and say “Namaskar”.

5. Nepali diversified culture and traditions:
Nepal is very much rich in cultural diversity. There exist many cultures and traditions within the small territory. As it is said that the Nepal is the country with 4 main castes and 36 sub-castes. And all this castes has their own cultural and tradition and this culture are celebrated in their own way and any one can join to enjoy the moments.

6. Smoking and drinking in public:
Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are not allowed in public places. You can go the clubs and the liquors shop to consume that kind of stuff and the main thing weed is illegal and other drugs substance so buying and using this kind of stuff may dangerous and may be jailed.

7. Don’t ever talk about beef stuff:
Nepal is a holy place especially for Hindus and Buddhist as there are many temples and stupas and also because it’s the birthplace of light of Asia; Gautama Buddha ….cow is the national animal of Nepal. So, if you will mistakenly ask for beef in this country or try to eat beef then you will get locked down and even can get severe punishment through the law and act by the Government of Nepal itself.

8. Don’t walk into a temple with your shoes on:
As Nepal is the famous in their religion and culture, there are many holy places. Walking into a temple with your shoes on will be considered as a sinful act by the people of Nepal. And I think you have the idea that how the people will treat you when you disrespect their culture traditions and holy and religious place

9. Note down the major places name you don’t want to miss:
If you really want to enjoy the god gifted nature of Nepal. Make a note of the beautiful places and work according to your written schedules. Main places to visit are Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwam, Illam, Mustang, Manang, Rara etc.

10. Best time to visit Nepal: it really depends upon the places where you want to visit. But it’s better to visit Nepal in all season. Winter season day are short and night are long. So in any other season you can visit Nepal.

11. The currency: Nepalese rupees
Nepal’s currency is known as rupees. So, you can exchange it through different exchange centers available in Nepal. You can also now about the detail of rupees from bank.

12. Many roads are still unpaved :
As Nepal is a developing country. There are still many roads in Nepal which are left unpaved. So for trek lover its very good thing as they can walk and view the nature beauty.

13. Home of many species of rare wild animals and birds:
Indeed! Nepal is the shelter for many rare species of wild animals and birds. Many rare animals are found in Nepal. And there are many conservation area where you can find them.

14. Many medicinal herbs are available :
Many herbs can be found in Nepal that are very helpful in treating even the severe diseases and eliminate it through its roots. As Nepal is rich in natural beauty and there are many jungle due to which there are many herb that can be used as medicine.

15. Nepal is naturally a boned country :
It is located between two large countries. India and China.. Though landlocked it is naturally a boned country whose beautiful nature will never fail to amaze you throughout. If you love peace and harmony and want to experience the nature beauty then Nepal is the best place.

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